Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Been a while..

I havent been keeping upto date on my blog for a while .. it seems real life has gotten the better of me again...

.. but anyhow since my last post lots of things have been going on which have kept me a bit bussy. One of the most important being the impending arrival of my "soon to be born" baby =D

due to this ive not had much time for coding and a lot of things have been a bit neglected, however ive been trying to catch up a little recently and am waiting with baited breath for michal's port of AROS to the x86-64 architecture (which seems to be progressing at some pace!)

Another thing which has recently caught my eye thanks to rob (fce2) is a project close to my own interests -

It seems the open source world are already leaps ahead of my mesagl project with a design for a better 3d driver abstraction that sits between mesa or any other 3d api and interfaces with the hardware - almost exactly what i wouldve liked to achieve.... so once i have time i will be looking at how to use it as a basis for my 3d hidds for AROS.

This has a number of benefits from my perspective including ..

# The majorioty of code is developed by people with much more experience in this field than myself (definatley a bonus!)
# The code is mostly developed externally to AROS - so we only need to provide the hidd api's and some glue
# How it interacts is all in place saving a considerable amount of effort on my part.
# Drivers using the API (theres an example i915 driver included) should be easily portable to AROS.

Hmmm ... bring on the free time!